St. Basil American Coptic Orthodox Church

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How often we find ourselves lost in the cacophony of the world. Its noise is of a special sort. It is a noise of confusion, a noise of profound dissatisfaction with things as they are, a noise fraught with the illusions of a better life if only … A noise of pride. I know what is best and if God would simply give me what I want then all will be well. As if God is a merchant to whom we go seeking wares.

Rarely does one sit quietly for a long enough time to begin plumbing the depths of one’s soul in order to discover what sorts of cobwebs linger about and what sort of cleansing is necessary in order to begin seeing oneself, the world, and God Himself as they really are; in order to make an abode in which Christ can reside and, by doing so, usher in peace and grace and joy. Indeed, it is only through Christ who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6) that one can experience a profound and lasting joy, that joy for which we all yearn, yet seek through means other than the God-Man. The tradition of our Holy Church tells us that it is only through silence that attaining true unity with Christ is possible. In turn, such unity brings peace, joy, grace, and comfort.

As the Psalmist David says: "Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 45:10 LXX).

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