Building Renovations!
Dear St. Basil Family,
There will be some much-needed renovations for some aging elements in our church building! Phase one will include improvements to both downstairs bathrooms and the kitchen area, with future plans for ceiling tiles, fresh paint, overall clean-up and organization, and other needed improvements to be announced in the future!
We invite you to take part in the blessing of giving as we begin these efforts! You can contribute by sponsoring specific renovation items, with suggested donation amounts available at St. Basil Church Giving Link:
Donations will remain anonymous and will be included in your annual tax exemption letter.
Thank you for your generosity and support in renewing our church home and partaking of this great blessing! If you have any questions, please contact Bishoy Said.
In Christ,
St. Basil’s Board
Preserve them O Lord! - Marriage Enrichment / Preparation Classes
STARTING 2/18/25!
Download Book Here
Click here to watch Week 1: Introduction and Chapter One (February 18, 2025)
Join us for a review of a book titled: “Preserve Them, O Lord.” This marriage enrichment book includes:
A guide for Orthodox couples in developing marital unity and enrichment,
premarital counseling for engaged couples;
marriage enrichment for those who are already married;
the development of an Orthodox understanding of marriage.
“Preserve Them, O Lord” is an excellent resource you can use for marriage and family life enrichment. It gives you insightful guidance, supplemented by
workbook exercises that help you understand yourself and your partner;
over 70 pages of supplemental readings on topics both spiritual and practical;
quotes from Scripture, the Fathers,
and the wedding liturgy illuminating the patristic view of love, intimacy, and marriage.
We reviewed this book back in 2020 and it was helpful for those who are married but also for those getting married soon.
Click Here to join the Zoom meetings at 8:00 PM Tuesday nights starting on 2/18/25!