Church Board Appointments!

Be sure to be at St. Basil’s this Sunday, August 11th, to submit names you would like to be nominated for the Church Board! This is the first time St. Basil’s church will go through this process, so don’t miss this historic event! Below is a summary of the process and schedule of events. Be sure to think of up to six names you would like to nominate.

Bishop Kyrillos will be coming to St. Basil’s on Sunday, August 18th so this is the target date for completing the acclamation process for the board members. If St. Basil’s is your home church, and you are 18 years old or over, please consider up to six names to be recommended for the church board. Board members should be:

  • Regular and active at St. Basil’s church and committed to St. Basil’s as their home church and taking communion regularly at St Basil's.

  • Supportive of the mission of St. Basil’s American Coptic Orthodox Church (as an all English/Coptic parish).

  • Be over 18 years old.

  • Not on another church or diocese board.

  • Not related to anyone on the board or priest.

  • Terms are three years long at which time there will be another acclamation process to appoint.

  • There are no term limits, so current board members can be re-appointed without limit, if they are willing.

    • Current founding board members are Ash Ibrahim, Bishoy Said, Daniel Gharbawy, Nadra Germanos (Secretary), and Richard Marcos (Treasurer)

During the process, there should be NO campaigning or attempts to influence one another to vote for certain people.

Here is the schedule for this process:

  • SUNDAY, 8/4:

    • The process was announced, and the criteria above was discussed.

    • Members of the congregation begin to think of up to six names.

    • A text was sent to the church members with this page you are reading now to further announce in case there are some who were not present on 8/4.

  • SUNDAY, 8/11:

    • Another announcement after church with the same information will be made.

    • A link will be provided to cast your support with a list out up to six names. Can be less than six too.

    • You will have three days to use this link: 8/11, 8/12 and 8/13.

    • Please include last names so there is no confusion.

    • Six names are picked and HGBK will reach out to them to confirm they are interested in serving on the board.

  • SUNDAY, 8/18:

    • With His Grace Bishop Kyrillos, the list is presented to the congregation through another link where everyone can voice concerns or agree on the recommendations.

    • The six names will be appointed as the new board if there are no issues raised.

    • A short board meeting is then held after church where the board will appoint a Treasurer and Secretary.

If you have any questions on this process, or you need the person’s last name, contact Fr. Michael Maximous at 949-378-0350.