+ In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. One God. Amen +
Today, Lazarus Saturday, marks the beginning of the Cross, the beginning of Our Savior’s Passion, His groaning over death before the light of the Resurrection. Indeed, if light and joy are found at the end of Holy Week in the Resurrection of our Savior, they are also found at the beginning when Lazarus is raised from the dead. For this raising of Lazarus signifies the general resurrection, which all of humanity, indeed all of creation, eagerly awaits (cf. Rom 8:18-25).
Today, the sorrow of humanity’s being swallowed up by death is made manifest in the tears of Our Savior.
Today, death begins to tremble, for its weakness is made known as Our Savior, in a loud voice for all the universe to hear, cries out “Lazarus, come forth” (Jn. 11:43).
Today, we witness Christ’s glorious victory over death, before He deals death a final blow through the Cross.
Today, we begin our sorrowful entry into the Passion of Our Lord with the joy of His defeat of death.
Today, we are marked with the characteristic attribute of the Christian — joyful-sorrow — that condition wherein we recognize the sadness of the destruction of sin, which always leads to death (cf. Rom 6:23), and the joy of the possibility of being saved from that destruction at the hand of Our Merciful and Tender Savior.
May God help us to repent.
+ Glory be to God. Both now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen +