Weekly Update - July 6



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Commemmoration of the Martyrdom of Sts. Peter and Paul, the Apostles (July 12 / Abib 5)



“There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.”

St. Paul, Galatians 3:28




Vespers Prayer: 7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Bible Study: 7:45 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. (Acts of the Apostles || Chapters 22-28)


Vespers Prayer: 7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.


Vespers Prayer: 7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.


Vespers Prayer: 7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.


Divine Liturgy Live Stream: 8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Sunday School: 12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.


Vespers Prayer: 7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.




We have begun to see an increase in the numbers of COVID-19 cases within the Diocese and even members of our blessed congregation have contracted the virus. Our prayers are with those who have tested positive for the virus and those on the front lines caring for the sick. For the safety of yourself and those around PLEASE, be mindful of the following:

  1. If you have been in contact with anyone that has been infected and/or tested positive, even if no symptoms are observed, kindly do not come to any of the church services until:

    • You are tested negative FOR TWO CONSECUTIVE TESTS; irrespective of the time it takes for them to be tested negative twice.  

    • Those whom have been in contact with you, including close family members, are tested negative FOR TWO CONSECUTIVE TESTS; irrespective of the time it takes for them to be tested negative twice.  

  2. If you, or anyone you know, have attended church services and have tested positive for the virus a few days later, please inform Fr. Michael who will let those who attended the same services know so that they can also be tested. Identities will be kept confidential. Please see No. 1 above regarding attendance at church services.

  3. Members of other churches should not attend St. Basil church services. This rule has been in place early during this epidemic and it is more important that we follow this rule now.  

Also, please note that Fr. Michael, or any clergy in the diocese, has to follow the same rules as noted above. This includes refraining from conducting liturgies and being tested if he is in contact with anyone infected with the virus. This can be for several weeks until he is able to be tested negative twice.

Thank you in advance for following these rules to keep everyone as protected as possible with the current situation.  Please contact Fr. Michael if you have any concerns. May our ever-victorious Lord Jesus Christ protect and keep you all safe and healthy. 




We have started the third cycle of registration for the limited liturgies at St. Basil’s with a slight change in the method of registration. In order to provide for greater convenience with everyone’s schedule, and to avoid cancellations of reservations which could be used for others, a ticketing system has been created. This should be a much easier format. Simply browse the available spots and choose a Wednesday, Saturday or Sunday liturgy to attend. This current cycle was from July 1st through July 12th. You will receive a text once each cycle begins so you can choose a liturgy most convenient for you. 

Some other thoughts to remember:

  • If possible, please choose Wednesday to provide room for others who can only attend on Saturdays or Sundays. 

  • Please choose only one ticket per household during each cycle which will be approximately two weeks (or six liturgies). 

  • Please coordinate/communicate with your wife/husband so that only one ticket is chosen. 

  • If you want to attend more than one liturgy per cycle, at 7:00 pm before each liturgy, if there are still tickets available for the liturgy on the following day, you may obtain an additional ticket regardless if you have registered previously for tickets.  

  • If you cannot make it, please give as much notice as possible so your ticket can be available for someone else.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience as we try to provide for the Holy Eucharist (essential for our salvation) with a safe and equitable process.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Fr. Michael directly at 949-378-0350.



Congratulations to Peter and Youstina for the birth of their son, Stephen Peter George!




Want to share a recipe, get a recipe and talk it over with each other? St. Basil’s Church is preparing a wonderful customized cookbook featuring favorite recipes from our members. The cookbook will be professionally published and is certain to be a treasured keepsake. Whether it’s one or more of your more traditional dishes or new creations, you’ll have fun participating with each other and contributing to the St. Basil’s Church Cookbook!

Your assistance and participation will be needed to help make it a success.

How can you help:

Please submit up to five of your favorite recipes for inclusion in our cookbook. You can do this by sending an email to Silvia Guirguis: s_guirguis@yahoo.com.  You can also contact Silvia at (858) 248-0708.

All recipes are due by August 15, 2020

For each recipe, please submit

  • The title of the recipe

  • Ingredients

  • Directions for preparing and cooking

  • Special notes/suggestions/ideas such as: suggested side dish, dessert, or snack?  

  • Time it takes to prepare and cook

  • Number people it would serve

  • Picture of the completed dish or pictures of complicated steps

  • Your full name 

  • If your recipe is award-winning, in memory of a loved one who gave it to you, quick & easy, slow cooker, side dish, desert, heart-healthy or vegetarian, etc.., please let us know that as well. 

Our goal is to have this book completed in time for Christmas!



We are in week 4 of the Apostles’ Fast - a fast of thanksgiving to God for the gifts of the Holy Spirit that the Apostles received. It served a purpose of preparing them for the service of preaching to the world. May the blessing of the fast and feasts of the Apostles be with us, strengthen us, and establish us in Christ. Amen.



During these unprecedented times, we believe that it's more important than ever that we all continue to receive spiritual nourishment. While we may not be able to attend church in person, we hope that we can grow and strengthen the churches within our homes. 

Therefore, we have set up a series of online video sessions for both prayer and spiritual edification, so that you and your family can join from your home.

All events can be found here: http://stbasil.net/covid19-services



The servants of St. Basil have put together a list of spiritual, financial, educational, and employment resources that you may find helpful during the COVID-19. We hope that it is helpful. You can download the PDF here.



Do you know about our Welcome Portal? You can use it to register as a member, update existing contact information, volunteer for a church service, make a donation, contact Father Michael, or provide private comments/questions/suggestions. Try it out:



During these unique circumstances, Fr. Michael will be visiting families at home virtually through Zoom!  Please reach out to Fr. Michael directly to schedule an e-visit!

Phone: 949-378-0350

Email: FrMichaelMaximous@gmail.com



If you are looking into other ways to support our church, the AmazonSmile Foundation offers an easy way to give while browsing the Amazon shop. It will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases, at no cost to you. To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to smile.amazon.com (you may want to add a bookmark to make it easier to return). You will see eligible products marked “Eligible for AmazonSmile donation” on the product detail pages. If you already own an Amazon account you can use the same account for AmazonSmile. On your first visit, please select “Saint Basil American Coptic Orthodox Church” as your charity of choice. Amazon will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make will result in a donation for our church. Thank you so much for your love and support.



Please let us know if you have any upcoming important events for us to share with our fellow congregants. Special events are best shared among our family, and we encourage you to share your special news with us



If you would like to help with food for our weekly Agape Meal please sign up through the links below. For questions please reach out to Erene at erenepasi@gmail.com

Thank you to all who have contributed and helped make the agape meal a special time for everyone. We need as many volunteers as possible to keep the church clean on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Please consider this important expression of stewardship.