Weekly Update - July 30


Peace and Grace, Parishioners!

St. Mary Magdalene, commemorated 28 Epep/4 August

St. Mary Magdalene, commemorated 28 Epep/4 August


Wednesday: FOCUS service: 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (come anytime!)

Friday: Divine Liturgy: 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.

Saturday: Vespers & Midnight Praise: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Sunday: Divine Liturgy: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.



"Do not think that recovery is from perishable foods, but recovery and strength is from our Lord Jesus Christ. For if the martyrs of Christ endured their limbs to be cut off and were beheaded and burned in the fire, and they endured unto death in the faith in God that is theirs, then I am worthy to be sick because of an insignificant illness."

-- Saint Anba Palamon, commemorated 25 Epip/1 August


Young Women and St. Marina by Abouna Moses Samaan



Please let us know if you have any upcoming important events for us to share with our fellow congregants. Special events are best shared amongst our family, and we encourage you to send an email to info@stbasil.net to share your special news. In addition, if you would like to schedule a time for a visit or confession with Father Antony Paul, please email priest@stbasil.net or approach him after the Liturgy on Sunday.



We encourage all congregants to take some time to check out the parish website. All are also encouraged to listen to the liturgical hymns as they are chanted at St. Basil, which can be found here.



To sign up to bring food for the agape meal on Sundays, please fill in the weekly spreadsheet available HERE. We need as many volunteers as possible to keep the church clean on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Please consider this important expression of stewardship.

Weekly Update - July 23


Peace and Grace, Parishioners!

St. James (Jacob), the Son of Alphaeus, commemorated 18 Epip/25July

St. James (Jacob), the Son of Alphaeus, commemorated 18 Epip/25July


Tuesday: Summer Club/Youth Spiritual Competition Prep: 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (Abouna Gregory to join the 3rd and 4th graders)

Wednesday: FOCUS service: 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (come anytime!)

Thursday: Summer Club/Youth Spiritual Competition Prep: 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Saturday: Vespers & Midnight Praise: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Sunday: Divine Liturgy: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.



We are people endowed with reason, for whom it would be the greatest disgrace to abandon the one true God, the Maker of heaven and earth, in order to worship dumb, senseless idols. We are not afraid of torments you threaten us with. They will be easy for us to bear and will show the power of our God. 

-- Saint Euphemia, commemorated 17 Epip/24 July


Athansius's Letter to Dracontius

(as excerpted by Abba Kyrillos in the Servants' Talk)



Continuing as we have over the years, St. Basil will be having our Summer Club and Youth Spiritual Competition (YSC) preparation at the church on Tuesdays and Thursdays every week from 6:30pm - 9:00pm. This service is designed for children in all grades through high school. There will be prayers, games, food, and fun for all. Abouna Gregory will be joining the 3rd and 4th graders this Tuesday to give a presentation on Creation.



Please let us know if you have any upcoming important events for us to share with our fellow congregants. Special events are best shared amongst our family, and we encourage you to send an email to info@stbasil.net to share your special news. In addition, if you would like to schedule a time for a visit or confession with Father Antony Paul, please email priest@stbasil.net or approach him after the Liturgy on Sunday.



We encourage all congregants to take some time to check out the parish website. All are also encouraged to listen to the liturgical hymns as they are chanted at St. Basil, which can be found here.



To sign up to bring food for the agape meal on Sundays, please fill in the weekly spreadsheet available HERE. We need as many volunteers as possible to keep the church clean on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Please consider this important expression of stewardship.

Weekly Update - July 18

St. Ephraim the Syrian

St. Ephraim the Syrian


Tuesday: Summer Club/Youth Spiritual Competition Prep: 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Wednesday: FOCUS service: 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (come anytime!)

Thursday: Summer Club/Youth Spiritual Competition Prep: 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Saturday: Vespers & Midnight Praise: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Sunday: Divine Liturgy: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.  (His Grace Bishop Kyrillos will be attending)



On this day (15th of Abib), of the year 379 A.D., the holy father, St. Ephraem (Ephraim) the Syrian, departed. He was born in the city of Nissibis, in the beginning of the fourth century to pagan parents, during the days of the righteous Emperor Constantine. It happened that he met with St. James bishop of Nissibis, who preached to him and taught him the particulars of the Christian Faith. Ephraem believed on his hands. St. James baptized him and Ephraim stayed with him. He excelled in his worship that surpassed his contemporaries. He debated the pagans and overcame them by the grace that was within him. When the council of Nicea convened, he went with his teacher St. James to attend the council.

One day, it happened that while St. Ephraem was praying, he saw a pillar of light which extended from earth to heaven. When he marvelled at what he saw, he heard a voice saying to him, "That what you saw is St. Basil, Bishop of Caesaria." St. Ephraem longed to see St. Basil and he went to Caesaria. He entered the church and stood in a corner of it. He saw St. Basil in his priestly vestments embroidered with gold. St. Ephraim doubted the holiness of St. Basil. The Lord showed him a white dove that alighted over St. Basil's head. God then inspired St. Basil of the presence of St. Ephraem. St. Basil called him by his name, and St. Ephraem marvelled at how he knew him. They greeted each other, and St. Basil ordained him a deacon.

St. Ephraem increased his asceticism, and many great virtues were manifested through him that surpass description. Among which was that of an honorable woman, who was ashamed to confess her sins orally to St. Basil. She wrote on a paper her sins which she had committed since her youth, and gave it to St. Basil. When he received it and knew what was written in it, he prayed for her. The piece of paper became blank except for only one great sin. The woman wept, and entreated him to pray for her that God might forgive this sin for her. St. Basil told her, "Go to the wilderness where St. Ephraem is and he will pray for you." The woman went to him and told him what had happened. He said to her, "I am not worthy of this honor, go back to St. Basil for he is a high priest. Go now quickly before he departs from this world." When the woman returned, she found that St. Basil had departed, and was carried on the heads of the priests. She wept, and threw the piece of paper on his coffin. She prayed to God interceding through the saint. Then, she took the piece of paper, and she found it completely blank.

St. Ephraem had performed many miracles. In his days, Ebn-Disan the Infidel appeared. This father debated with him until he overcame his erroneous opinions. He wrote many articles and discourses. When he completed his strife, he departed to the Lord.



Continuing as we have over the years, St. Basil will be having our Summer Club and Youth Spiritual Competition (YSC) preparation at the church on Tuesdays and Thursdays every week from 6:30pm - 9:00pm. This service is designed for children in all grades through high school. There will be prayers, games, food, and fun for all. 



Abouna Antony Paul will be present at St. Basil this Saturday from 11am for meetings and confessions. Please let us know if you have any upcoming important events for us to share with our fellow congregants. Special events are best shared amongst our family, and we encourage you to send an email to info@stbasil.net to share your special news. In addition, if you would like to schedule a time for a visit or confession with Father Antony Paul, please email priest@stbasil.net or approach him after the Liturgy on Sunday.



We encourage all congregants to take some time to check out the parish website. All are also encouraged to listen to the liturgical hymns as they are chanted at St. Basil, which can be found here.



To sign up to bring food for the agape meal on Sundays, please fill in the weekly spreadsheet available HERE. We need as many volunteers as possible to keep the church clean on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Please consider this important expression of stewardship.

Weekly Update - July 11



Tuesday: Vespers for the Feast of the Apostles: 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Summer Club/Youth Spiritual Competition Prep: 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Wednesday: Feast of the Apostles Holy and Divine Liturgy: 5:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.

Thursday: Summer Club/Youth Spiritual Competition Prep: 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Friday: St. Katherine's Youth Meeting: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Saturday: Liturgy: 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Vespers & Midnight Praise: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Sunday: Divine Liturgy: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 



Continuing as we have over the years, St. Basil will be having our Summer Club and Youth Spiritual Competition (YSC) preparation at the church on Tuesdays and Thursdays every week from 6:30pm - 9:00pm. This service is designed for children in all grades through high school. There will be prayers, games, food, and fun for all. 



Please let us know if you have any upcoming important events for us to share with our fellow congregants. Special events are best shared amongst our family, and we encourage you to send an email to info@stbasil.net to share your special news. In addition, if you would like to schedule a time for a visit or confession with Father Antony Paul, please email priest@stbasil.net or approach him after the Liturgy on Sunday.



We encourage all congregants to take some time to check out the parish website. All are also encouraged to listen to the liturgical hymns as they are chanted at St. Basil, which can be found here.



To sign up to bring food for the agape meal on Sundays, please fill in the weekly spreadsheet available HERE. We need as many volunteers as possible to keep the church clean on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Please consider this important expression of stewardship.

Mission Trip to Orphanage in Mexico with St. Mary Coptic Orthodox Church

Mission Trip to Orphanage in Mexico with St. Mary Coptic Orthodox Church

Weekly Update - July 5

Saint Febronia

Saint Febronia


Wednesday: FOCUS service: 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (come anytime!)

Thursday: Summer Club/Youth Spiritual Competition Prep: 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Saturday: Vespers, Q&A, & Midnight Praise: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Sunday: Divine Liturgy: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 



Continuing as we have over the years, St. Basil will be having our Summer Club and Youth Spiritual Competition (YSC) preparation at the church on Tuesdays and Thursdays every week from 6:30pm - 9:00pm. This service is designed for children in all grades through high school. There will be prayers, games, food, and fun for all. 



Please let us know if you have any upcoming important events for us to share with our fellow congregants. Special events are best shared amongst our family, and we encourage you to send an email to info@stbasil.net to share your special news. In addition, if you would like to schedule a time for a visit or confession with Father Antony Paul, please email priest@stbasil.net or approach him after the Liturgy on Sunday.



We encourage all congregants to take some time to check out the parish website. All are also encouraged to listen to the liturgical hymns as they are chanted at St. Basil, which can be found here.



To sign up to bring food for the agape meal on Sundays, please fill in the weekly spreadsheet available HERE. We need as many volunteers as possible to keep the church clean on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Please consider this important expression of stewardship.

Weekly Update - June 28

Saint Moses the Strong

Saint Moses the Strong


Friday: Vespers: 6 p.m.

St. Katherine's Meeting (Father Antony Paul) 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.

Saturday: Divine Liturgy: 8 a.m. - 10 a.m.

Vespers, Q&A, & Midnight Praise: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Sunday: Divine Liturgy: 7:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (Father Antony Paul)



The feast of the matyrdom of St. Abba Moses is celebrated on the 24th of Paona, which corresponds to this Saturday, July 1. 

You can find out more about this great saint and martyr here: http://www.copticchurch.net/classes/synex.php?id=294

For sayings of the Strong Saint Abba Moses, check out the LA Diocese page dedicated to him here: http://lacopts.org/…/sayings-of-the-strong-saint-abba-moses/

For a meditation on St. Moses by Fr. Antony Paul, visit his page here: http://www.freedominchristianity.com/the-authentic-addict-…/



This Friday we are blessed to have Fr. Antony Paul lead our discussion titled "Lessons from the life of St. Moses". Please join us at St. Basil American Coptic Orthodox Church, and remember, this is a potluck, so bring a fast friendly dish to share if you can. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We look forward to sharing an evening of discussion and fellowship with you!



Please let us know if you have any upcoming important events for us to share with our fellow congregants. Special events are best shared amongst our family, and we encourage you to send an email to info@stbasil.net to share your special news. In addition, if you would like to schedule a time for a visit or confession with Father Antony Paul, please email priest@stbasil.net or approach him after the Liturgy on Sunday.



We encourage all congregants to take some time to check out the parish website. All are also encouraged to listen to the liturgical hymns as they are chanted at St. Basil, which can be found here.



To sign up to bring food for the agape meal on Sundays, please fill in the weekly spreadsheet available HERE. We need as many volunteers as possible to keep the church clean on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Please consider this important expression of stewardship.

Services This Weekend - June 23

The return of the relics of St. Mark to Egypt

The return of the relics of St. Mark to Egypt

+ Father Antony will be accompanying the High School youth retreat to Seattle. Services this weekend will remain the same with Father Andrew. +


Saturday: Vespers & Midnight Praise: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (Fr Andrew Iskander)

Sunday: Divine Liturgy: 7:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (Fr Andrew Iskander)


Please let us know if you have any upcoming important events for us to share with our fellow congregants. Special events are best shared amongst our family, and we encourage you to send an email to info@stbasil.net to share your special news. In addition, if you would like to schedule a time for a visit or confession with Father Antony Paul, please email priest@stbasil.net or approach him after the Liturgy on Sunday.


To sign up to bring food for the agape meal on Sundays, please fill in the weekly spreadsheet available HERE. We need as many volunteers as possible to keep the church clean on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Please consider this important expression of stewardship.

Weekly Update - June 4


Tuesday: UCSD Coptic Club: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Wednesday: FOCUS service: 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (come anytime!)

Friday: Weekday Liturgy 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.

Saturday: Vespers & Midnight Praise: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.(His Grace Bishop Abraham)

Sunday: Divine Liturgy: 7:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (His Grace Bishop Abraham)



Please let us know if you have any upcoming important events for us to share with our fellow congregants. Special events are best shared amongst our family, and we encourage you to send an email to info@stbasil.net to share your special news. In addition, if you would like to schedule a time for a visit or confession with Father Antony Paul, please email priest@stbasil.net or approach him after the Liturgy on Sunday.



Each Wednesday, volunteers from all of the Orthodox parishes in San Diego county work together through FOCUS at God's Extended Hand to help provide meals for the hungry. God's Extended Hand has been providing food and shelter to people in downtown San Diego since 1924 at 1625 Island Ave., San Diego, CA 92101. Teenagers and young adults from all parishes are asked to volunteer the 1st Wednesday of every month, and all the congregants of St. Basil's are asked to serve on the 3rd and 4th Wednesdays of the month; for months that have a 5th Wednesday, FOCUS asks all parishes to volunteer on that day. Help is needed with preparing and cooking the food from 3:00-6:00pm and serving the food and cleaning up from 6:20-7:00pm. Children are welcome to help their parents serve. Please stop by for any amount of time you can serve each week! If you have any questions, please contact Mary Jensen.



The San Diego Coptic Club is a fellowship for the college-aged youth of San Diego and hosts weekly spiritual meetings and social events. The meetings take place every week on Thursday evenings at 7 pm, alternating between spiritual meetings at the UC San Diego campus in La Jolla and social events which are held at a variety of places, like the beach, bowling, and many more! Coptic Club provides a fellowship to help youth grow in the love of Christ together and have a bond of unity in His name during a critical time of their lives. If you have questions or to join their mailing list, please reach out to David Kneiber.



We encourage all congregants to take some time to check out the parish website. All are also encouraged to listen to the liturgical hymns as they are chanted at St. Basil, which can be found here.



To sign up to bring food for the agape meal on Sundays, please see the bulletin board at church or contact Erene Hanna. We need as many volunteers as possible to keep the church clean on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Please consider this important expression of stewardship.

Weekly Update - May 29



Tuesday: UCSD Coptic Club: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Wednesday: FOCUS service: 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (come anytime!)

Friday: St. Katherine's Meeting (Dinner Cruise Fundraiser in Long Beach): 7:30pm - 10:30pm

Saturday: Vespers, Q&A, & Midnight Praise: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Sunday: Divine Liturgy: 7:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (Father Antony Paul)

    Church Picnic at Nobel Park: Immediately following the Divine Liturgy



This Friday, there is a Young Professionals Dinner Cruise for Networking, Fellowship, and Fundraising for St. Luke Orthodox Christian Academy

Friday, June 2nd, 7:30pm - 10:30pm
Boarding at 7:30pm

$65 ($60 if you sign up with a friend)

Please sign up ASAP at: Link for Registration

We will be carpooling to Long Beach. For questions about the carpool, please contact Steven at (860) 338-0900



This Saturday evening, during Vespers, Father Antony Paul will be having a Question and Answer forum following his month-long trip to Egypt. Please come prepared with questions, or if you are unable to attend, email them to priest@stbasil.net and listen for the answers which will be posted on the St. Basil podcast.



Please let us know if you have any upcoming important events for us to share with our fellow congregants. Special events are best shared amongst our family, and we encourage you to send an email to info@stbasil.net to share your special news. In addition, if you would like to schedule a time for a visit or confession with Father Antony Paul, please email priest@stbasil.net or approach him after the Liturgy on Sunday.



Each Wednesday, volunteers from all of the Orthodox parishes in San Diego county work together through FOCUS at God's Extended Hand to help provide meals for the hungry. God's Extended Hand has been providing food and shelter to people in downtown San Diego since 1924 at 1625 Island Ave., San Diego, CA 92101. Teenagers and young adults from all parishes are asked to volunteer the 1st Wednesday of every month, and all the congregants of St. Basil's are asked to serve on the 3rd and 4th Wednesdays of the month; for months that have a 5th Wednesday, FOCUS asks all parishes to volunteer on that day. Help is needed with preparing and cooking the food from 3:00-6:00pm and serving the food and cleaning up from 6:20-7:00pm. Children are welcome to help their parents serve. Please stop by for any amount of time you can serve each week! If you have any questions, please contact Mary Jensen.



The San Diego Coptic Club is a fellowship for the college-aged youth of San Diego and hosts weekly spiritual meetings and social events. The meetings take place every week on Thursday evenings at 7 pm, alternating between spiritual meetings at the UC San Diego campus in La Jolla and social events which are held at a variety of places, like the beach, bowling, and many more! Coptic Club provides a fellowship to help youth grow in the love of Christ together and have a bond of unity in His name during a critical time of their lives. If you have questions or to join their mailing list, please reach out to David Kneiber.



We encourage all congregants to take some time to check out the parish website. All are also encouraged to listen to the liturgical hymns as they are chanted at St. Basil, which can be found here.



To sign up to bring food for the agape meal on Sundays, please see the bulletin board at church or contact Erene Hanna. We need as many volunteers as possible to keep the church clean on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Please consider this important expression of stewardship.

Weekly Update - May 21


StGeorgeToledo - Ascension of the Lord - Fr. Theodore Jurewicz.png


Tuesday: UCSD Coptic Club: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Wednesday: FOCUS service: 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (come anytime!)

Thursday:  Feast of the Ascension Divine Liturgy: 6:00 a.m. - 8 a.m.

Saturday: Vespers & Midnight Praise: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Sunday: Divine Liturgy: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (Fr. Andrew Iskander)



Please let us know if you have any upcoming important events for us to share with our fellow congregants. Special events are best shared amongst our family, and we encourage you to send an email to info@stbasil.net to share your special news. In addition, if you would like to schedule a time for a visit or confession with Father Andrew Iskander, please email frandrewiskander@gmail.com or approach him after the Liturgy on Sunday.



Each Wednesday, volunteers from all of the Orthodox parishes in San Diego county work together through FOCUS at God's Extended Hand to help provide meals for the hungry. God's Extended Hand has been providing food and shelter to people in downtown San Diego since 1924 at 1625 Island Ave., San Diego, CA 92101. Teenagers and young adults from all parishes are asked to volunteer the 1st Wednesday of every month, and all the congregants of St. Basil's are asked to serve on the 3rd and 4th Wednesdays of the month; for months that have a 5th Wednesday, FOCUS asks all parishes to volunteer on that day. Help is needed with preparing and cooking the food from 3:00-6:00pm and serving the food and cleaning up from 6:20-7:00pm. Children are welcome to help their parents serve. Please stop by for any amount of time you can serve each week! If you have any questions, please contact Mary Jensen.



The San Diego Coptic Club is a fellowship for the college-aged youth of San Diego and hosts weekly spiritual meetings and social events. The meetings take place every week on Thursday evenings at 7 pm, alternating between spiritual meetings at the UC San Diego campus in La Jolla and social events which are held at a variety of places, like the beach, bowling, and many more! Coptic Club provides a fellowship to help youth grow in the love of Christ together and have a bond of unity in His name during a critical time of their lives. If you have questions or to join their mailing list, please reach out to David Kneiber.



We encourage all congregants to take some time to check out the parish website. All are also encouraged to listen to the liturgical hymns as they are chanted at St. Basil, which can be found here.



To sign up to bring food for the agape meal on Sundays, please see the bulletin board at church or contact Erene Hanna. We need as many volunteers as possible to keep the church clean on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Please consider this important expression of stewardship.

Weekly Update - May 14




Tuesday: UCSD Coptic Club: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Wednesday: FOCUS service: 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (come anytime!)

Friday:  Divine Liturgy: 6:00 a.m. - 8 a.m.

   Saint Katherine's Meeting: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 

Saturday: Vespers & Midnight Praise: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Sunday: Divine Liturgy: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (Fr. Andrew Iskander)



Please let us know if you have any upcoming important events for us to share with our fellow congregants. Special events are best shared amongst our family, and we encourage you to send an email to info@stbasil.net to share your special news. In addition, if you would like to schedule a time for a visit or confession with Father Andrew Iskander, please email frandrewiskander@gmail.com or approach him after the Liturgy on Sunday.



Each Wednesday, volunteers from all of the Orthodox parishes in San Diego county work together through FOCUS at God's Extended Hand to help provide meals for the hungry. God's Extended Hand has been providing food and shelter to people in downtown San Diego since 1924 at 1625 Island Ave., San Diego, CA 92101. Teenagers and young adults from all parishes are asked to volunteer the 1st Wednesday of every month, and all the congregants of St. Basil's are asked to serve on the 3rd and 4th Wednesdays of the month; for months that have a 5th Wednesday, FOCUS asks all parishes to volunteer on that day. Help is needed with preparing and cooking the food from 3:00-6:00pm and serving the food and cleaning up from 6:20-7:00pm. Children are welcome to help their parents serve. Please stop by for any amount of time you can serve each week! If you have any questions, please contact Mary Jensen.



The San Diego Coptic Club is a fellowship for the college-aged youth of San Diego and hosts weekly spiritual meetings and social events. The meetings take place every week on Thursday evenings at 7 pm, alternating between spiritual meetings at the UC San Diego campus in La Jolla and social events which are held at a variety of places, like the beach, bowling, and many more! Coptic Club provides a fellowship to help youth grow in the love of Christ together and have a bond of unity in His name during a critical time of their lives. If you have questions or to join their mailing list, please reach out to David Kneiber.



We encourage all congregants to take some time to check out the parish website. All are also encouraged to listen to the liturgical hymns as they are chanted at St. Basil, which can be found here.



To sign up to bring food for the agape meal on Sundays, please see the bulletin board at church or contact Erene Hanna. We need as many volunteers as possible to keep the church clean on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Please consider this important expression of stewardship.

Weekly Update - May 1


Saint Photini (The Samaritan Woman)

Saint Photini (The Samaritan Woman)


Tuesday: UCSD Coptic Club: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Wednesday: FOCUS service: 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (come anytime!)

Friday: Saint Katherine's Meeting: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. @ St. Basil (Fr. Abraam Ayoub)

Saturday: Vespers & Midnight Praise: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Sunday: Divine Liturgy: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim)

        Special Financial Presentation for Possible New Facility



This Friday we are blessed to have Fr. Abraam lead our discussion titled "Touching His Wounds". Please join us at St. Basil American Coptic Orthodox Church, and remember, this is a potluck, so bring a dish to share if you can. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We look forward to sharing an evening of discussion and fellowship with you!



Please let us know if you have any upcoming important events for us to share with our fellow congregants. Special events are best shared amongst our family, and we encourage you to send an email to priest@stbasil.net to share your special news. In addition, if you would like to schedule a time for a visit or confession with Father Kyrillos Ibrahim, please email priest@stbasil.net or approach him after the Liturgy on Sunday.



Each Wednesday, volunteers from all of the Orthodox parishes in San Diego county work together through FOCUS at God's Extended Hand to help provide meals for the hungry. God's Extended Hand has been providing food and shelter to people in downtown San Diego since 1924 at 1625 Island Ave., San Diego, CA 92101. Teenagers and young adults from all parishes are asked to volunteer the 1st Wednesday of every month, and all the congregants of St. Basil's are asked to serve on the 3rd and 4th Wednesdays of the month; for months that have a 5th Wednesday, FOCUS asks all parishes to volunteer on that day. Help is needed with preparing and cooking the food from 3:00-6:00pm and serving the food and cleaning up from 6:20-7:00pm. Children are welcome to help their parents serve. Please stop by for any amount of time you can serve each week! If you have any questions, please contact Mary Jensen.



The San Diego Coptic Club is a fellowship for the college-aged youth of San Diego and hosts weekly spiritual meetings and social events. The meetings take place every week on Thursday evenings at 7 pm, alternating between spiritual meetings at the UC San Diego campus in La Jolla and social events which are held at a variety of places, like the beach, bowling, and many more! Coptic Club provides a fellowship to help youth grow in the love of Christ together and have a bond of unity in His name during a critical time of their lives. If you have questions or to join their mailing list, please reach out to David Kneiber.



We encourage all congregants to take some time to check out the parish website. All are also encouraged to listen to the liturgical hymns as they are chanted at St. Basil, which can be found here.



To sign up to bring food for the agape meal on Sundays, please see the bulletin board at church or contact Erene Hanna. We need as many volunteers as possible to keep the church clean on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Please consider this important expression of stewardship.

Weekly Update - April 16



Wednesday: FOCUS service: 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (come anytime!)

Thursday: UCSD Coptic Club: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Friday: Saint Katherine's Meeting: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. @ BJ's in La Jolla (Address)

Saturday: Saint Antony Monastery Trip: 5:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Vespers & Midnight Praise: 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Sunday: Divine Liturgy: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.



Meditation on "The Power of Resurrection" (Link)


SAINT ANTONY MONASTERY TRIP - 4/22/17 - 4 Spots left

The deadline to register is Thursday, April 20th. St. Basil's has organized a church trip to St. Antony Monastery in the California Desert on April 22nd. We have organized a 54 passenger bus to transport us to and from the monastery. The bus departs from the parish at 5:30am, allowing us to attend the Divine Liturgy, as well enjoy lunch, a tour, and services. We will depart from the monastery at 3pm, arriving in San Diego around 6:30pm. If interested, please follow the following link to reserve your space! (CLICK HERE)


st. katherine's youth meeting

This Friday we will meet for our second JOINT GYP meeting with Saint Demiana. We will meet at BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse in La Jolla(Map) at 7PM. Please RSVP with Daniel (email) within the next couple of days so we can submit final reservation numbers by Thursday. Looking forward to seeing you all!



Please let us know if you have any upcoming important events for us to share with our fellow congregants. Special events are best shared amongst our family, and we encourage you to send an email to priest@stbasil.net to share your special news. In addition, if you would like to schedule a time for a visit or confession with Father Antony Paul, please email priest@stbasil.net or approach him after the Liturgy on Sunday.



Each Wednesday, volunteers from all of the Orthodox parishes in San Diego county work together through FOCUS at God's Extended Hand to help provide meals for the hungry. God's Extended Hand has been providing food and shelter to people in downtown San Diego since 1924 at 1625 Island Ave., San Diego, CA 92101. Teenagers and young adults from all parishes are asked to volunteer the 1st Wednesday of every month, and all the congregants of St. Basil's are asked to serve on the 3rd and 4th Wednesdays of the month; for months that have a 5th Wednesday, FOCUS asks all parishes to volunteer on that day. Help is needed with preparing and cooking the food from 3:00-6:00pm and serving the food and cleaning up from 6:20-7:00pm. Children are welcome to help their parents serve. Please stop by for any amount of time you can serve each week! If you have any questions, please contact Mary Jensen.



The San Diego Coptic Club is a fellowship for the college-aged youth of San Diego and hosts weekly spiritual meetings and social events. The meetings take place every week on Thursday evenings at 7 pm, alternating between spiritual meetings at the UC San Diego campus in La Jolla and social events which are held at a variety of places, like the beach, bowling, and many more! Coptic Club provides a fellowship to help youth grow in the love of Christ together and have a bond of unity in His name during a critical time of their lives. If you have questions or to join their mailing list, please reach out to Mariam Guirguis and David Kneiber.



We encourage all congregants to take some time to check out the parish website. All are also encouraged to listen to the liturgical hymns as they are chanted at St. Basil, which can be found here.



To sign up to bring food for the agape meal on Sundays, please see the bulletin board at church or contact Erene Hanna. We need as many volunteers as possible to keep the church clean on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Please consider this important expression of stewardship.

Weekly Update - April 9



Screen Shot 2017-04-10 at 1.31.51 PM.png


Lamentations of Jeremiah by Deacon Sherif Hanna (Stream Here


Saint Basil has organized a church trip to St. Antony Monastery in the California Desert on April 22. We have organized a 40 passenger bus to transport us to and from the monastery. The bus departs at 5:30am allowing us to attend the Divine Liturgy, enjoy lunch, a tour, services, and depart at 3pm back to San Diego arriving at 6:30pm. The chartered bus costs are $1,400 and the suggested donation is now only $35 per seat. If interested, please follow the following link to reserve your space! (CLICK HERE)


Please let us know if you have any upcoming important events for us to share with our fellow congregants. Special events are best shared amongst our family and we encourage you to email to priest@stbasil.net. In addition, if you would like to schedule a time for a visit or confession with Father Antony Paul, please email priest@stbasil.net or approach him after the liturgy on Sunday.


We encourage all congregants to take some time to check out the parish website. All are also encouraged to listen to the liturgical hymns as they are chanted at St. Basil, which can be found here.


To sign up to bring food for the agape meal on Sundays, please see the bulletin board at church or contact Erene Hanna. We need as many volunteers as possible to keep the church clean on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Please consider this important expression of stewardship.

Weekly Update - April 2

The Lord's entry into Jerusalem

The Lord's entry into Jerusalem


Tuesday:  Divine Liturgy 3:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 

Thursday: UCSD Coptic Club: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Friday: Divine Liturgy and Unction of the Sick: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

St. Katherine's Meeting: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Saturday: Lazarus Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Eve of Palm Sunday: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Sermon: How to Benefit from Holy Week (Fr. Antony Paul)

Sunday: Palm Sunday Divine Liturgy: 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

General Burial Service: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.



Saint Basil has organized a church trip to St. Antony Monastery in the California Desert on April 22. We have organized a 40 passenger bus to transport us to and from the monastery. The bus departs at 5:30am allowing us to attend the Divine Liturgy, enjoy lunch, a tour, services, and depart at 3pm back to San Diego arriving at 6:30pm. The chartered bus costs are $1,400 and the suggested donation is now only $35 per seat. If interested, please follow the following link to reserve your space! (CLICK HERE)



The San Diego Coptic Club is a fellowship for the college-aged youth of San Diego and hosts weekly spiritual meetings and social events. The meetings take place every week on Thursday evenings at 7 pm, alternating between spiritual meetings at the UC San Diego campus in La Jolla and social events which are held at a variety of places, like the beach, bowling, and many more! Coptic Club provides a fellowship to help youth grow in the love of Christ together and have a bond of unity in His name during a critical time of their lives. If you have questions or to join their mailing list, please reach out to Mariam Guirguis and David Kneiber.



We encourage all congregants to take some time to check out the parish website. All are also encouraged to listen to the liturgical hymns as they are chanted at St. Basil, which can be found here.



To sign up to bring food for the agape meal on Sundays, please see the bulletin board at church or contact Erene Hanna. We need as many volunteers as possible to keep the church clean on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Please consider this important expression of stewardship.



Please let us know if you have any upcoming important events for us to share with our fellow congregants. Special events are best shared amongst our family and we encourage you to email to priest@stbasil.net. In addition, if you would like to schedule a time for a visit or confession with Father Antony Paul, please email priest@stbasil.net or approach him after the liturgy on Sunday.




Weekly Update - March 26

Christ Healing the Man Born Blind Man

Christ Healing the Man Born Blind Man


Tuesday:  Divine Liturgy Cancelled 

Wednesday: FOCUS service: 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (come anytime!)

Thursday: UCSD Coptic Club: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Friday: Matins: Divine Liturgy: 10:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Saturday: Vespers & Midnight Praise: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Sunday: Divine Liturgy: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.



Saint Basil has organized a church trip to St. Antony Monastery in the California Desert on April 22. We have organized a 40 passenger bus to transport us to and from the monastery. The bus departs at 5:30am allowing us to attend the Divine Liturgy, enjoy lunch, a tour, services, and depart at 3pm back to San Diego arriving at 6:30pm. The chartered bus costs are $1,400 and the suggested donation is now only $35 per seat. If interested, please follow the following link to reserve your space! (CLICK HERE)



Each Wednesday, volunteers from all of the Orthodox parishes in San Diego county work together through FOCUS at God's Extended Hand to help provide meals for the hungry. God's Extended Hand has been providing food and shelter to people in downtown San Diego since 1924 at 1625 Island Ave., San Diego, CA 92101. Teenagers and young adults from all parishes are asked to volunteer the 1st Wednesday of every month, and all the congregants of St. Basil's are asked to serve on the 3rd and 4th Wednesdays of the month; for months that have a 5th Wednesday, FOCUS asks all parishes to volunteer on that day. Help is needed with preparing and cooking the food from 3:00-6:00pm and serving the food and cleaning up from 6:20-7:00pm. Children are welcome to help their parents serve. Please stop by for any amount of time you can serve each week! If you have any questions, please contact Mary Jensen.



The San Diego Coptic Club is a fellowship for the college-aged youth of San Diego and hosts weekly spiritual meetings and social events. The meetings take place every week on Thursday evenings at 7 pm, alternating between spiritual meetings at the UC San Diego campus in La Jolla and social events which are held at a variety of places, like the beach, bowling, and many more! Coptic Club provides a fellowship to help youth grow in the love of Christ together and have a bond of unity in His name during a critical time of their lives. If you have questions or to join their mailing list, please reach out to Mariam Guirguis and David Kneiber.



We encourage all congregants to take some time to check out the parish website. All are also encouraged to listen to the liturgical hymns as they are chanted at St. Basil, which can be found here.



To sign up to bring food for the agape meal on Sundays, please see the bulletin board at church or contact Erene Hanna. We need as many volunteers as possible to keep the church clean on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Please consider this important expression of stewardship.



Please let us know if you have any upcoming important events for us to share with our fellow congregants. Special events are best shared amongst our family and we encourage you to email to priest@stbasil.net. In addition, if you would like to schedule a time for a visit or confession with Father Antony Paul, please email priest@stbasil.net or approach him after the liturgy on Sunday.



Meditations of the Sixth Sunday of Lent: Christ Healing The Man Born Blind

Weekly Update - March 19



Christ Healing the Paralytic Man

Christ Healing the Paralytic Man


Tuesday:  Divine Liturgy: 3:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday: FOCUS service: 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (come anytime!)

Thursday: UCSD Coptic Club: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Friday: Matins: 6:30 a.m. - 7:15 a.m.

     Psalms and Divine Liturgy: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Saturday: Vespers & Midnight Praise: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Sunday: Divine Liturgy: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.


SAINT ANTONY MONASTERY TRIP - 4/22/17 (Price Reduced!)

Saint Basil has organized a church trip to St. Antony Monastery in the California Desert on April 22. We have organized a 40 passenger bus to transport us to and from the monastery. The bus departs at 5:30am allowing us to attend the Divine Liturgy, enjoy lunch, a tour, services, and depart at 3pm back to San Diego arriving at 6:30pm. The chartered bus costs are $1,400 and the suggested donation is now only $35 per seat. If interested, please follow the following link to reserve your space! (CLICK HERE)



Each Wednesday, volunteers from all of the Orthodox parishes in San Diego county work together through FOCUS at God's Extended Hand to help provide meals for the hungry. God's Extended Hand has been providing food and shelter to people in downtown San Diego since 1924 at 1625 Island Ave., San Diego, CA 92101. Teenagers and young adults from all parishes are asked to volunteer the 1st Wednesday of every month, and all the congregants of St. Basil's are asked to serve on the 3rd and 4th Wednesdays of the month; for months that have a 5th Wednesday, FOCUS asks all parishes to volunteer on that day. Help is needed with preparing and cooking the food from 3:00-6:00pm and serving the food and cleaning up from 6:20-7:00pm. Children are welcome to help their parents serve. Please stop by for any amount of time you can serve each week! If you have any questions, please contact Mary Jensen.



The San Diego Coptic Club is a fellowship for the college-aged youth of San Diego and hosts weekly spiritual meetings and social events. The meetings take place every week on Thursday evenings at 7 pm, alternating between spiritual meetings at the UC San Diego campus in La Jolla and social events which are held at a variety of places, like the beach, bowling, and many more! Coptic Club provides a fellowship to help youth grow in the love of Christ together and have a bond of unity in His name during a critical time of their lives. If you have questions or to join their mailing list, please reach out to Mariam Guirguis and David Kneiber.



We encourage all congregants to take some time to check out the parish website. All are also encouraged to listen to the liturgical hymns as they are chanted at St. Basil, which can be found here.



To sign up to bring food for the agape meal on Sundays, please see the bulletin board at church or contact Erene Hanna. We need as many volunteers as possible to keep the church clean on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Please consider this important expression of stewardship.



Please let us know if you have any upcoming important events for us to share with our fellow congregants. Special events are best shared amongst our family and we encourage you to email to priest@stbasil.net. In addition, if you would like to schedule a time for a visit or confession with Father Antony Paul, please email priest@stbasil.net or approach him after the liturgy on Sunday.



Treasures of the Fathers: Fifth Sunday of the Great Lent (The Paralytic Man)

Weekly Update - March 12



Saint Photini - The Samaritan Woman

Saint Photini - The Samaritan Woman


Tuesday:  Divine Liturgy: 3:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday: FOCUS service: 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (come anytime!)

Thursday: UCSD Coptic Club: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Friday: Matins: 6:30 a.m. - 7:15 a.m.

     Psalms and Divine Liturgy: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Saturday: Vespers & Midnight Praise: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

          **His Eminence Metropolitan Serapion will be blessing us with his presence**

Sunday: Divine Liturgy: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.


Saint Antony Monastery Trip - 4/22/17

Saint Basil has organized a church trip to St. Antony Monastery in the California Desert on April 22. We have organized a 50 passenger bus to transport us to and from the monastery. The bus departs at 5:30am allowing us to attend the Divine Liturgy, enjoy lunch, a tour, services, and depart at 3pm back to San Diego arriving at 6:30pm. The chartered bus costs are $2,000 and the suggested donation is $50 per seat. If interested, please follow the following link to reserve your space! (CLICK HERE)



Each Wednesday, volunteers from all of the Orthodox parishes in San Diego county work together through FOCUS at God's Extended Hand to help provide meals for the hungry. God's Extended Hand has been providing food and shelter to people in downtown San Diego since 1924 at 1625 Island Ave., San Diego, CA 92101. Teenagers and young adults from all parishes are asked to volunteer the 1st Wednesday of every month, and all the congregants of St. Basil's are asked to serve on the 3rd and 4th Wednesdays of the month; for months that have a 5th Wednesday, FOCUS asks all parishes to volunteer on that day. Help is needed with preparing and cooking the food from 3:00-6:00pm and serving the food and cleaning up from 6:20-7:00pm. Children are welcome to help their parents serve. Please stop by for any amount of time you can serve each week! If you have any questions, please contact Mary Jensen.



The San Diego Coptic Club is a fellowship for the college-aged youth of San Diego and hosts weekly spiritual meetings and social events. The meetings take place every week on Thursday evenings at 7 pm, alternating between spiritual meetings at the UC San Diego campus in La Jolla and social events which are held at a variety of places, like the beach, bowling, and many more! Coptic Club provides a fellowship to help youth grow in the love of Christ together and have a bond of unity in His name during a critical time of their lives. If you have questions or to join their mailing list, please reach out to Mariam Guirguis and David Kneiber.



We encourage all congregants to take some time to check out the parish website.

All are also encouraged to listen to the liturgical hymns as they are chanted at St. Basil, which can be found here.



To sign up to bring food for the agape meal on Sundays, please see the bulletin board at church or contact Erene Hanna. We need as many volunteers as possible to keep the church clean on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Please consider this important expression of stewardship.



Have you ever wondered what happened to the Samaritan woman after she met with Jesus Christ? Church Tradition tells us that St. Photini was instrumental in bringing her five sisters Saints Anatole, Photo, Photis, Paraskeve, and Kyriake to Christ. Her two sons, St. Photinos, formerly known as Victor, and St. Joses, also became Christians and like their mother and five aunts, were tireless evangelists for Christ. On the Day of Pentecost, St. Photini and her sisters were baptized. She was given the name Photini, which means “enlightened one.” After St. Paul and St. Peter were martyred, St. Photini and her family left their homeland of Sychar, Samaria and travelled to Carthage (modern day Tunisia) to proclaim the Good News of Christ. In 66 AD, the entire family became martyrs for Christ under the persecutions of the Emperor Nero. Orthodox churches celebrate her feast day on separate occasions. In the Greek tradition, her feast day is on February 26 and she is commemorated on March 20 in the Slavic tradition. In the Coptic tradition, her story is read on the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent.

Weekly Update - March 5



St. Pope Kyrillos the Sixth, commemorated on 9 March/30 Meshir

St. Pope Kyrillos the Sixth, commemorated on 9 March/30 Meshir


"And though every day a man lives may rightly be a day of repentance, yet is it in these days more becoming, more appropriate, to confess our sins, to fast, and to give alms to the poor; since in these days you may wash clean the sins of the whole year."
+St. John Chrysostom



The Spirituality of Fasting- By His Holiness Pope Shenouda III

Jump to page 71 for a focus on Lent



Wednesday: FOCUS service: 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (come anytime!)

Thursday: UCSD Coptic Club: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Friday: Divine Liturgy: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Saturday: Vespers & Midnight Praise: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Sunday: Divine Liturgy: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.



Each Wednesday, volunteers from all of the Orthodox parishes in San Diego county work together through FOCUS at God's Extended Hand to help provide meals for the hungry. God's Extended Hand has been providing food and shelter to people in downtown San Diego since 1924 at 1625 Island Ave., San Diego, CA 92101. Teenagers and young adults from all parishes are asked to volunteer the 1st Wednesday of every month, and all the congregants of St. Basil's are asked to serve on the 3rd and 4th Wednesdays of the month; for months that have a 5th Wednesday, FOCUS asks all parishes to volunteer on that day. Help is needed with preparing and cooking the food from 3:00-6:00pm and serving the food and cleaning up from 6:20-7:00pm. Children are welcome to help their parents serve. Please stop by for any amount of time you can serve each week! If you have any questions, please contact Mary Jensen.



The San Diego Coptic Club is a fellowship for the college-aged youth of San Diego and hosts weekly spiritual meetings and social events. The meetings take place every week on Thursday evenings at 7 pm, alternating between spiritual meetings at the UC San Diego campus in La Jolla and social events which are held at a variety of places, like the beach, bowling, and many more! Coptic Club provides a fellowship to help youth grow in the love of Christ together and have a bond of unity in His name during a critical time of their lives. If you have questions or to join their mailing list, please reach out to Mariam Guirguis and David Kneiber.



We encourage all congregants to take some time to check out the parish website.

All are also encouraged to listen to the liturgical hymns as they are chanted at St. Basil, which can be found here.



To sign up to bring food for the agape meal on Sundays, please see the bulletin board at church or contact Erene Hanna. We need as many volunteers as possible to keep the church clean on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Please consider this important expression of stewardship.

Weekly Update- 2/27



Ethiopian icon of the Theotokos

Ethiopian icon of the Theotokos


"Do that which is good, and no evil shall touch you. Prayer is good with fasting and alms and righteousness. A little with righteousness is better than much with unrighteousness."
Tobit 12:8


"Paradise of the Spirit" by Anba Youanis



Wednesday: FOCUS service: 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (come anytime!)

Thursday: UCSD Coptic Club: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Friday: Divine Liturgy: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Saturday: Vespers & Midnight Praise: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Sunday: Divine Liturgy: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.



Each Wednesday, volunteers from all of the Orthodox parishes in San Diego county work together through FOCUS at God's Extended Hand to help provide meals for the hungry. God's Extended Hand has been providing food and shelter to people in downtown San Diego since 1924 at 1625 Island Ave., San Diego, CA 92101. Teenagers and young adults from all parishes are asked to volunteer the 1st Wednesday of every month, and all the congregants of St. Basil's are asked to serve on the 3rd and 4th Wednesdays of the month; for months that have a 5th Wednesday, FOCUS asks all parishes to volunteer on that day. Help is needed with preparing and cooking the food from 3:00-6:00pm and serving the food and cleaning up from 6:20-7:00pm. Children are welcome to help their parents serve. Please stop by for any amount of time you can serve each week! If you have any questions, please contact Mary Jensen.



The San Diego Coptic Club is a fellowship for the college-aged youth of San Diego and hosts weekly spiritual meetings and social events. The meetings take place every week on Thursday evenings at 7 pm, alternating between spiritual meetings at the UC San Diego campus in La Jolla and social events which are held at a variety of places, like the beach, bowling, and many more! Coptic Club provides a fellowship to help youth grow in the love of Christ together and have a bond of unity in His name during a critical time of their lives. If you have questions or to join their mailing list, please reach out to Mariam Guirguis and David Kneiber.



We encourage all congregants to take some time to check out the parish website.

All are also encouraged to listen to the liturgical hymns as they are chanted at St. Basil, which can be found here.



To sign up to bring food for the agape meal on Sundays, please see the bulletin board at church or contact Erene Hanna. We need as many volunteers as possible to keep the church clean on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Please consider this important expression of stewardship.